by Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD
For far too many, their experience with conventional psychiatry likely consisted of suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals, all without being considered as a whole person. It’s probable that there is little exploration of the power of the sacred to promote healing, which is especially crucial in our current climate of widespread fear and disconnection. In psychiatrist Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir’s Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness, the reader is introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to psychiatric healing. It offers invaluable guidance on how to develop personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. Moreover, it illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine.
Dr. Tsafrir’s groundbreaking magnum opus also provides a holistic framework for weaning off psychiatric pharmaceuticals and focuses on treatable, but frequently overlooked, complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Author Eric Leskowitz, Md, states that “Dr.Tsafrir’s Sacred Psychiatry is an exploration of the many ways in which psychiatry and American culture have gone astray by focusing solely on the material realm. She shows, in wondrous detail, how attention to the emotional, energetic, societal, and, most of all, spiritual dimension of life is the key to healing ourselves and our world. A highly recommended paradigm buster!”