Contribute to Creations
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Thank you for your interest in submitting your work to Creations Magazine!
We welcome contributions of articles, poetry, art, and photography that explore themes of spiritual and personal growth, as well as holistic health. Topics we feature include creativity, prosperity, nutrition, the environment, relationships, love, sex, death, recovery, men’s/women’s issues, yoga/meditation, introspection, and more.
To ensure your submission is considered for publication, please follow these guidelines:
Informational Content Only
Submissions should inform, inspire, and engage, not promote. We do not accept press releases, advertorials, or features designed primarily to market a product, practice, or service.
Word Count
Including your short bio, submissions must not exceed 850 words.
Theme Alignment
Your submission may not fit the current issue’s theme. However, if we like it, we may hold onto it for future consideration. Write from the heart—if your passion shines through, it may resonate with us too!
Articles and poems must be submitted in a Word document attachment, using 12 pt Times font, single-spaced.Email your submission to neil@creationsmagazine.com.
We publish six issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, December), with publication occurring at the start of each even-numbered month. Submissions must be received approximately six weeks prior to the issue’s release date.
Feel free to follow up on the status of your submission by email, but please note that we are a small team, so we appreciate your patience.
We look forward to reading your work. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!
Be well and keep creating!
Peace All-Ways,
Neil & Andrea
Publishers, Creations Magazine