The Physics of Wellness, Energy as Medicine in Western Science

by Jeffrey T. LaCour, PhD

THE PHYSICS OF WELLNESS Energy as Medicine in Western Science

The Physics of Wellness Book examines every aspect of energy as it relates to health and wellness. The Lifestyle Protocol, optimizing the 4 methods by which the body collects energy (Diet, Respiration, Streaming, Motion), causes the human body to enter a state of comprehensive natural immunity, described by the author as invincibility to disease. When the Author’s child became disabled by immunization in 1976, he asked how it is that an injection designed to protect life, destroys it. Fifty years later, he has the answer and offers his Lifestyle Protocol, Immunity for all…This book offers a vision of the future in which healthcare is reduced to a careful management of Electromagnetic Energy Levels, otherwise known as calories, energy, electrons, photons, antioxidants, etc. This marker is not currently tracked by medical science either directly or indirectly, yet LaCour claims a deficiency is the underlying cause of all diseases.

“The Physics of Wellness” … reveals the underlying cause of disease, energy deficiency, and how to correct it rather than rely on drugs to treat symptoms. Fundamental to this book is the understanding that diseases are a result of energy mismanagement in the vast majority of cases i.e. physics, rather than chemistry. Put simply. "Energy is derived from Sunlight, Earth's Magnetism, Food, and Air.” This book outlines lifestyle behaviors that can maximize our body's energy levels so that people can live in a state of homeostasis at all times, which is immunity.
– Kim Langdon, MD


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