You are Part of an Exiting Time on the Planet

by Ann Albers and The Angels, Phoenix, AZ

Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life.

Resolve that you will give yourself permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in this statement; we simply observe what you already see everywhere you look—the contrast in your world is becoming more and more evident as hearts awaken, and countless souls begin to bring their truth to the surface. 

This is not a tragedy but rather an incredible, rapid evolution of humanity. You are part of an exciting time on your planet. Events in recent years have driven so many inward, diving deep to reconnect with hearts long buried, dreams forgotten, and desires that were once cast by the wayside. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings. The alignment between your thoughts and your soul is becoming more evident. When you feel good, your thoughts are those of love. When you feel bad, your thoughts diverge from those of the loving spirit within.

Be true to yourselves this year. You were not designed to please others unless it truly pleases you to do so. You were not designed to serve others at the expense of your own joy and wellbeing. Very few in the history of humanity have incarnated with the explicit intention to be martyrs, but those who chose that path, did it with glad hearts.

You were not designed to fight or fix people or systems but rather to serve the values and empower the ideologies you believe in. So, in this time of intensified contrast, give up the fight. Give up trying to make others conform. Give up trying to make yourself conform. Like the roses and lilies, the grasses, trees, and weeds, simply be yourself and trust that the love that lives within all things and all beings wants its expression in diversity.

Diversity of thought, dear ones, leads to creation. If you all had the exact same beliefs and ideas, if you wore the same clothes, listened to the same music, and had the same solutions for the same problems and challenges, quickly, you would become bored and desire the stimulation for growth. In nature, diversity stimulates evolution. In humanity, diversity does the same.

Going forward, wonder at the differences, seek to understand them if you wish, but remain true to your loving self. There's no need to get anyone else to agree with you. There's no need for you to agree with anyone else. Listen rather than argue. Love rather than hate. Be kind to yourself rather than self-deprecating.

It is a year where remaining centered and rooted in love to the best of your ability will yield a bountiful harvest in your life. It is a year when being true to yourself will feel magnificent. It is a year when you will want to listen to your heart and act on its loving impulses so as to take advantage of the opportunities being offered.

Dear ones, we know your world has a lot of turmoil as the eternally ineffective attempts to bully and manipulate one another into compliance go on. Wars can conquer nations and kill bodies, but they don't change minds or eliminate souls. Political "wars" can inspire chaos, anger, and fear, but even the most "powerful" on your earth will pass into the unseen and learn whether or not their "power" was rooted in love and whether or not history and future generations will see them as brilliantly as they thought they once were or will look upon them with greater clarity and wisdom.

Fear not, dear ones. God is God. Love is love. Love is accessible to you in every breath, in every moment, in every thought, and in every choice. Love is the foundation from which you were created and the destination to which you will return. The more you choose to align with love, the better you will feel and the more magical and brilliant your life will become.

Replace hope with a resolve to seek and see what is good, beautiful, lasting, and true in life, for in so doing, you will feel the love that seeks to flow into your life at all times. Love never ends. It is there for the taking, an eternal river of life, guiding you, loving you, embracing you, and carrying you forward.

Celebrate your strength, your growth, your loving choices, the people whose lives you touched, and the people whose lives touched yours. Celebrate the challenges overcome and the tenacity of spirit you all exemplified. Celebrate your beautiful meals, beautiful art, and beautiful music. Celebrate the day you stepped in the grass and appreciate its cool softness on the soles of your feet.
Celebrate the strangers who were kind to you and the times you were kind to yourself when others weren't.

In every moment, in every day, in every situation, you can find something to love. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened, and in this case, we mean the door to the never-ending, constantly-expanding, all-giving stream of love that is yours for the taking.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

Ann Albers is a popular author, spiritual instructor, angel communicator, and modern mystic. She has spoken at conferences among the world’s foremost spiritual authors, been featured on international radio shows, and, for the past two decades, has assisted thousands in tuning into their intuition, manifesting their dreams, and learning to love themselves the way the heavens do. Her free weekly “Messages from Ann & the Angels” reach an international audience with inspiration and tips to help you stay tuned in and turned on! Learn about her newsletter, books, CDs, and more at


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