Welcome to the April–May Women’s Issue: Honoring Women, Mothers, and Mother Earth
by Neil & Andrea @ Creations Magazine
Nature Can Guide Us Through Our Life Growth Cycles, is our lead article and cover title.
Humans are not separate from the natural world, and never have been. We are fully entwined and enmeshed with the earth and all life therein, seen and unseen.
“Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another” ~ Juvenal.
Oh, how much wiser and harmonious humanity would be if we embraced and cooperated with nature’s guidance rather than opposing and competing against her.
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” ~ Lao Tse
Ann Albers and The Angels, reflect this in Slower is Faster; When you take a breath and slow your thoughts, you can think more clearly … When you talk more slowly, you are present to your own words and communicate more effectively. I’m getting better at this, but still, I need this reminder EVERY day!
Dr. Jonathan Ellerby contemplates The Natural and Pervasive Power of Spiritual Experience. In the western world, the term “Spiritual Experience” is often stereotyped, misunderstood, ridiculed, and even feared. Ellerby explains, Frequently, this is an issue that relates to religion and a lacking sense of permission to be independently spiritual. However, in Asia, South America, Africa, and Native America, I have found that spiritual experiences, such as encounters with spiritual beings, transformative dreams, the power of faith, and the deep impact of intuition, are not only common, but expected.
All of us have the ability to experience the extraordinary — everyday: tapping into the flow states of synchronicity, creative insight, athletic excellence, the euphoria of connection, love, music, and of course blissful moments in nature!
Now in our 38th year, Creations Magazine is entering a new “growth cycle” of its own. Towards the end of this year, we’ll be rolling out an enhanced website full of fun content offerings including: a podcast, and interviews with our contributing authors, healers, practitioners, and more!
Supporting your continued growth,
Neil & Andrea