by Milissa Castanza-Seymour, Bethpage, NY
Oh winter, you arrive
with smiles
and heartfelt reminiscence!
The winter solstice
darkens our door
as the North Pole
tilts away from the sun
Yet, in the darkness
the light of the world
guides your entrance!
The sun rests
but light still glows
the light of our hearts
and souls
as it forms well-wishes for peace and love
Like fairy dust in the wind,
our invitational intentions
wrapped in twinkling light
warm us
settling down to blanket the earth
with hope
and prayers
and expectations
of what is to come
The divine nature of your presence
exacted by design
births an energy
not easily contained by mere mortal hearts
and lights the way
to celebrate
and the beauty of silver and gold lined dark nights!