The Beautiful

by James Vollbracht, Bozeman, M

The Beautiful

If you 

are not as Beautiful

in this moment

as you will ever be,

when shall you ever be 


If you and I

are not as Beautiful

in this moment

as we will ever be,

when shall we ever be 


All of life

responds to the


power of Beauty;

but who has the courage

to proclaim themselves

to be

the Beautiful Sun 

of God?

Who is it,

amid the flash 

of thunder

and the roar 

of lightning

that rages

through our world,

who can drink nakedly

from the Fountains 

of Beauty


At the end

of this life

our regrets will not be 

our sins.

No, never our sins.

Our regrets will be

the Beauty

we withheld

from ourselves

and others.

We have

been made

so afraid of our sins

and so ashamed

of our Beauty

that we have come

to believe

only a miracle

could change

our lives.

And yet

there is a bridge 

to Beauty

that is known.

It is found

in the curl of a wave,

in the silent glance

between two eyes, 

in a touch, a brush

of a hand

upon the cheek.

These are the eternal


of our lives.

The Great Secret

is not that

one day we shall

awaken from

the dream of life

and suddenly

be transformed.

The Great Secret

is that we are already

the Beautiful;

and when we see

the Beauty

within another,

it awakens

the Beautiful

within ourselves.

Stop, here, now.

Take my hand,

we have not far

to go; 

for this path

is already known.

Let us walk

over the bridge

of Beauty together

and gaze into

the deep well

of life,

seeing all that 

has transpired.

And with tears

of joy 

and whispers 

of remembrance,

we will

travel into

the Beautiful

and beyond.


Biofield Science: The Missing Ingredient in Western Medicine  


Here to Eternity