Suspended in Time
by Seana Ankers, Warrenton, VA
Swirling colors envelop my mind,
Covering my face and then expanding outward.
Or was the sensation coming towards me and entering my soul?
Coursing through me as pure energy,
Awakening my mind and every fiber of my being.
Where does it start, and where does it end?
Did it start with you, breaking through my self-made walls and vulnerabilities?
Did it come from within me and simply refract off of you?
Or was it an alchemical reaction, joining both in one sacred moment?
A gift from the Gods themselves.
Words do not exist to capture it.
It must be experienced.
It must be breathed.
It must be felt from within and suspended in time.
For in that moment, time stopped.
We no longer existed as individuals.
We were the world, and the world was us.
We captured all the colors of the rainbow and felt their power.
Our frequencies danced with those of the world,
Vibrating on to eternity and slipping back into our souls,
Just as time began again.